UG Projects Guided

Sl. No.Student NameTitle of Thesis/ProjectGuide/Co-GuideName of the University
VTU [2022-2023]
25Tilak Bhat, Prasanna, Roshan, SaiDisease Mapping System for Arecanut PlantsGuideVTU [2021-2022]
24Dikshitha P, etalIndian Food Item Recognition and Dietary PlanGuideVTU [2021-2022]
23Subramanya , Sanath L S,Santhosh Kumar , SudharshanCreation and Recognition of Deepfakes Using Autoencoder and CNN TechniquesGuide  VTU [2020-2021]
22Sukshith H,Suhas C, Sharath D Shetty ,Surya K MAI Based User Interest Aware News Service Recommender For Technical News Web PortalGuide  VTU [2020-2021]
21Abhishek, Amogh Kumar Perde, B Narasimha Baliga, Chethan RAttendance management system Using deep learning-based face RecognitionGuide  VTU [2019-2020]
20Shalini K A, Siri A , Spoorthi G P , Tejaswini H CFake news detection using ml TechniqueGuideVTU [2019-2020]
19ShyamaSundara N, Dignath Y R , Vinod V Kwati, SujayashettiChat bot for collegeGuideVTU [2018-2019]
18Asmith A S, Archana L S, Kavya Krishna Naik,Arpita LNReal time Object Detection and Tracking using Video ProcessingGuideVTU [2018-2019]
17Ajay James,Poojari Shailesh R, Prasad Prakash Kadwad,Akshay AMFlood Management using DroneGuideVTU [2018-2019]
16Varhsitha K H, Shriraksha M P, Nirosha U M, Deeksha ShettySelf Driving Car using Deep Neural NetworkGuideVTU [2018-2019]
15Poorvitha M V, Shloka J N, Vasudha G RaoClassification of Leaves using Machine Learning (SVM)GuideVTU [2017-2018]
14Hemanth Shenoy, Karthik D, Sidvin Hegde,Sachin JoshiAutonomous Car Simulation using Convolutional Neural NetworksGuideVTU [2017-2018]
13Abhilash S , Sashidhar Deshpande, Sisir Ashik G V, Yuvaraj RijalSystem to detect fruit rot( Koleroga) disease in areca nutCo -GuideVTU [2017-2018]
12Akshatha Nayak,Divya P, Supritha R , Thanaz BanuIoT based Smart Hydroponics FarmingCo-Guide  VTU [2017-2018]
11Prathika J, Preethi K S, Swathi S PObject Recognition system for Self Driving CarGuideVTU [2017-2018]
10Mahammad Kasim Nadim,  P  P Sarthak Jain , Mohammed Sadiq S A, FahadSDMIT Campus GuideGuideVTU [2017-2018]
9Lavanya ,Nidhi D, Anusha HegdeAn Intelligent Automated Door Surveillance System based on a Smart CameraGuideVTU [2017-2018]
8Anoop Jain MB, JeevanBhattarai,Jishnu PTraffic Signal Analysis using CNNGuideVTU [2017-2018]
7Asha M L , Kavya Kamath, Mehna JainLocation Based Reminder SystemGuide  VTU [2016-2017]
6Advi BD, Aishwarya H M , Megha K SInteractive Arboretum ExplorerGuideVTU [2016-2017]
5Lavanya Bhandary  Madhavi H S , Mahima Shanbag , Maithri R JainMobile Health Care ApplicationGuideVTU [2016-2017]
4Anarghya Kumari , Arshida Sheik , Harshitha P ,Milana RaniCloud based Web Application to Conduct Mock Campus testGuide  VTU [2016-2017]
3Srikanth N T , U B Sujith, Ashray R  RaiIoT based Smart Application for Safe DrivingGuide  VTU [2015-2016]
2Reshma M, Sandhya G , Suchithra, SwathiContext Aware Mobile Phone ApplicationGuideSDMIT/VTU [2014 – 2015]
1Ashwija T, Ashwini P, Fathima Jora, Anijna MSemester Marks Prediction of an Engineering StudentGuideSDMIT/VTU [2014 – 2015]