TOCXTEN shares contextual trendy stories (but not limited to ) on the following themes in the domains of Design Thinking , Computer Science , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Internet of Things , Quantum Computing, statistics and Mathematics:
Project Experience , Learning Experience , About Innovators , About Innovative Products , About Researchers and their Findings , About Startup Company and their products or services , About Well established Software Industry and their products or services , About Entrepreneurs and their success or failure stories , About Academicians and their success stories , About students and their success stories. Assumptions , Hypotheses and Mythology , Culture and technology , Ethics and Technology , About Popular and Useful Books , About innovative Student Projects , About Innovative Research Projects , About Popular Products in the market , Design Thinking , ……
Note : The source of information’s is all open source websites , feed spots and blogs whose objective is to share the information freely for the betterment of society.

TOCXTEN publishes books both in hard form and e-form related to the domain like (but not limited to) Computer Science , Information Science , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Quantum Computing , Physics , Mathematics , Python , C , Software and Hardware Robots , UI Path , Data Analytics , Data Science , Software Project Development , App Development , Data Products , Fiction Stories, Motivational Stories , Biography , Auto Biography ,etc.,

TOCXTEN designs and develops apps which provides services suitable to users context . Some of the context under considerations are user location , time , user activity , user environmental conditions , people surrounding user , devices and sensors surrounding user , user location policies , user mood , user health conditions , user calendar of events , user interests , etc.

TOCXTEN develops data based products . TOCXTEN data products can be utilized to process voluminous data and predict hidden insights and results . Objective of TOCXTEN products is to extract intelligence from their data in order to make predictions, optimize costs, and ultimately, generate more revenue and improve the comfort of user.